
A Step In My Shoes

Here is another idea - I said that I want to work on this in the future, not now, but it won't hurt to post on here too right? It is a Level 6 worthy idea after all, I think hahaha :-)

Another alternative to this idea is to create campaign posters to raise awareness of what is going on in the world, for example to children living in war zones or something along those lines - I'm really passionate about these types of things. I've not really created anything that is more of a sombre tone, so maybe something like this will be a good challenge for me, to gain more experience in other types of design work other than work for the animation industry. Every experience, is a good experience.

I think it'll also be harder and more of a challenge if I had kids as the target audience for something like this. Believe it or not, and as cheesy as I may sound, kids/young people are the leaders of tomorrow; they have the power to make a difference in our world, both in good and bad ways. It's our job to lead them onto the path that'll make them change the world for the better.

Things that I have in mind to create are something like:
  • Picture books - that tells the story of, for example a character who's life is the complete opposite of how we're living our lives.
  • Educational packs - with activities on how they can help improve the lives of people.
  • Some sort of screen based, interactive work - because you know, kids are into their technologies now. - maybe like a game thing where they can choose a character to help (kind of like a virtual friend), but in order to help they actually need to go out and do stuff in real life which they can then record on the app or something (I don't know, just an idea for now hahaha).
  • Something that will just make them understand of whats happening in the world in a child friendly way. hahaha I'm being so vague with this at the mo, but its something worth thinking about I think.

If I decide to create a book, I'd really like to collaborate with a writer so that I could get the wordings right; I love things that are sweet and snappy, almost poetic but full of feelings (like some of Dr. Seuss' works) but I really don't know any writers around here :( hmmmm...

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